Cultivating Connection through Craft Coffee

Welcome! Asulon (us – oo – lon) is a Greek word meaning refuge. 

Asulon Collective is a woman-owned, small business that caters craft coffee and conversation to foster deeper connection. Cultivating connection helps relationships thrive and builds stronger communities!

The coffee cart services the greater Nashville, Tennessee area with options of a mobile espresso, drip coffee or cold brew bar! Custom packages are also available. Craft coffee is served with excellence and unique conversation cards are offered to foster deeper connection. 

You can even choose an add-on service to have custom conversation cards to create an even more unforgettable, engaging event experience for you and your guests. Life is too short to be disconnected. What better way to celebrate than by enjoying craft coffee, engaging in conversation and connecting with others? Let”s create an unforgettable experience together! 

The Coffee Journey

The coffee dream was planted in 2013 and has been organically developing ever since. Emily Austin, the owner, was a first-time barista in 2015 at a nonprofit coffee shop. Years later after moving to Nashville, the dream reawakened in 2019. Vision poured out early in 2020 when she decided to actively pursue creating a place of refuge.

What began as a blog to share vision, then turned into a growing side business. In 2023, she took another step to transition out of the corporate world to pursue being a full-time entrepreneur. Emily has 12+ years of working in the event/hospitality industry as well as having various program management roles. 

The dream is that one day this coffee cart will turn into a physical coffee shop, with coffee being the vehicle for creating a sense of refuge and belonging; connecting people together and building strong community.

For now, your friendly neighborhood coffee cart is available for catering pretty much any kind of event you can think of; bringing craft coffee directly to you! Find out more information about our craft coffee packages and book the coffee cart for your event.

Meet the founder

Emily Austin

“I grew up in a small town on a hay farm in Florida, with my immediate and extended family all on the same property. Growing up there with my family so close and with so much open space to roam, it was where I first experienced a feeling of refuge. 

Several years ago I began a new life in Nashville, Tennessee working as a program coordinator with international students. I fell in love with the diverse community and culture of Nashville and I appreciated how a bigger city could still have a small town feeling. 

No matter where I’ve been, the common thread through each season of my life has been creating relationships, caring for others and connecting with people (often over a cup of coffee).  

My passion is to reflect the refuge I have found in my hometown, with friends, with family and ultimately in Christ and extend that to others through Asulon Collective. It is my hope to invite all people, no matter their story, to experience belonging, safety and love. And that as you experience Asulon, you’re compelled to extend a sense of refuge to others!

When I’m not dreaming about the future of Asulon, you can often find me sharing a good meal while deep in conversation with friends or family, drinking coffee, listening to music, enjoying nature, reading, or playing with my dog, Misto.

I’d love for you to join me on this thrilling adventure; to dream big in the face of uncertainty, to hope in the face of despair, and to find refuge together.”

If you want to connect more, visit the contact page to start the conversation or email anytime at